Conserve Water and Save The Future.
CALIFORNIA CAN now breathe a sigh of relief after Governor Jerry Brown declared an end to the historical drought that devastated the Golden State for the past 5 years.
Prior to this, Brown issued a state wide mandate on property owners to cut water by 25-percent, resulting in much needed awareness on the importance of water conservation.
“This drought has been one for the record books, but it won’t be our last or longest,” stated Felicia Marcus, chair-woman of the State Water Resources Control Board. “This is a wakeup call, and we can’t hit the snooze button.” Now that California is in recovery, the concern for saving water has not vanished.
The question we need to ask ourselves now is, what can I do to save water? Here are a few conservation tips:
- Check pipes, toilets, meters, and faucets for water leaks.
- Take shorter showers.
- Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth.
- Insulate your water pipes.
- Don’t use your toilet as a waste basket.
For your yard:
- Use drought tolerant plants.
- Water plants during the early hours of the day.
- Choose drip irrigation as a great water conservation tool.
- Check with your water district to make sure you are watering on the correct specified days and following their guidelines.
Taking small steps will contribute to a not only a Western issue but a global one. Taking the time to be mindful of water waste reduces the chances of water shortages and increases our chance for survival.